This is the Verdict

This is the Verdict

This is the Verdict

Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. (John 3:19)
The bible says that man will declare his own goodness (Proverbs 20:6). However it also states that there is no one that is good (Romans 3:23). Either man is right or the Bible is right. What is the verdict? The Bible says it is appointed once for man to die and then face judgment. (Hebrews 9:27) Let’s take a quick test to see how you do against God’s standard; the ten commandments. Have you ever told a lie? Stolen anything? Hated someone which is murder? Lusted after another person which is adultery! Ever used God’s name as a filthy curse word? That’s blasphemy! That’s five of the ten commandments. How did you do? Would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? God does not want you to go to hell. He sent his only son Jesus Christ to live a perfect life. He died on a cross in your place and then rose from the dead. The Bible says if you repent of your sins and trust in Jesus then you will be saved! (Acts 4:12) Not convinced? We’d like to send you a free copy of Lee Strobel’s book the Case for Christ. Examine the evidence. Then make your own verdict! For a free copy of the book and for more information please see

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