The continued story of the Thank You tract

As we have tried to do with all of our tracts we like to post an article with background of

Community Service

Community Service

each tract. The Thank You tract is no exception! What is exceptional about the Thank You tract is how it has continued to be in high demand and how new versions of it have continued to be in high demand. The tract was originally suggested by one of our Tract Club members. You can learn more about that in the original story of the Thank You tract article.

thank you front spanish iconOver time, with the tract being in such high demand we decided to make two new versions of the tract. As well as a larger Trading Card sized version. At the same time, we felt a need to reach the Hispanic community with gratitude, so we translated the tract into Spanish and made that available in the tract club in early 2016 with the Gracias tract.

There has been a large demand for the Spanish version from various parts of the country.

Version 3

Version 3

It seemed like we had our basis covered when I started to get requests for Thank You cards specific for doctors, nurses, police, fireman, and the like. So rather than make a new version for each individual request, we decided to combine these together into a single card for “community service”. The new Community Service Thank You tract can be viewed online now and will make it’s debut in the tract club in the June 2016 mailing.

This new community service thank you card has already had some big impact being handed out to doctors and nurses and other hospital staff when I had surgery recently. I also gave them to my dentist and dental hygienist at my recent dental appointment.

We hope and pray that all of these versions of the Thank You tract will be useful in sharing the Gospel.

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