The story of the Reject the Gospel Tract

The idea for the Reject the Gospel tract originated from my friend Adam Evans. We were out doing a witnessing event one weekend in Dallas and we noticed that some people would throw the tracts away. Adam thought it would be fun to have a card that just said “throw this away” on the front of it. We discussed the idea that we could hand them out and then have a trash can for people to actually throw them into. Of course at this point, the idea made absolutely no sense. After praying about it for a couple of months, the idea to put the image on the front of a man throwing crosses into the trash and the message “To Reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ, please dispose of this card” was born!

The original plan was to only use these cards for witnessing events. But, once we got them and started showing them to some people in the tract club, the questions were coming in of “when will this be in the tract club?” So, we printed more of the cards and put them in a tract club mailing.

The rock band Rush has a song called Freewill. In the song there is a lyric that says “even if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.” That is the exact purpose of this tract. Every single person that we talk to about the Gospel makes a decision. They either choose to decide to follow Christ. Or they choose to reject Him. But choosing to do nothing is the same as choosing to reject Him!

The response on the street has been really interesting.  We have seen people take this tract, tear it into little bits and throw it into the trash can. We have also seen people take it, look at it, and then say, “oh, no, I don’t want to reject Jesus” and then put the card in their wallet.

Here is a video of my youngest son reading the Reject the Gospel tract in the open air in Dallas.

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