Story of the Which Came First tract

It’s an age old saying “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” This tract is designed to get people thinking. You must fall on one side or the other. Evolution teaches that as things evolved, eventually a chicken egg would come and hatch a chicken out of it. However, the Bible clearly states that God made all things according to their kind. Hence God created the chicken first and gave it the ability to lay eggs to reproduce.

The Which Came First tract plays on this idea by showing a chicken and an egg in a race to the finish line. Neither has crossed the line yet, so the question remains “Which came first?”

The tracts are fun to hand out to everyone. I especially like handing them out to atheists and scientists. But, I also like handing them out at restaurants where they serve Chicken. I simply would ask, “do you serve chicken here?” When they say yes, I say, “here is some important information about chickens” and hand them the tract. This leads to an interesting discussion starting with the creation/evolution topic. From there you can move the discussion from “if there is a creator, what does he want from you?”

I am not an artist. If I were, this might have been the first tract that Bezeugen Ministries produced. However, it took some time to find an artist who could draw the image for the front. And in the meantime, we made the This is the Verdict tract first. Eventually, through attending the Living Waters Ambassadors Academy, I met Michelle Miano, who drew the picture for us. The rest, so to speak, is history!

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