Story of the Why? tract

One night I was spending some time on Facebook exchanging some messages with a friend, Tim. He sent me a message saying that he had been thinking of creating a Gospel tract that just said “why?” on the front. I told him I thought it sounded like a good idea. After praying for a few minutes, the Lord gave me an idea of how to word it. So I jotted down my thoughts in a private message on Facebook and sent it to him, ending the message with “you mean something like this?”

He replied back and said, “yes!”

Over the next couple of days we refined the text and then sent the tract off to be printed.

When I hand out the Why? tracts, I will use the question “why?” in terms of “why do you think I am handing these out?” or “why do you think Jesus had to die?” or “why did Jesus have to be God?”

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