Story of the Christmas Trivia tract

For the last four years we have witnessed at the Dallas Children’s Christmas parade. One year we printed a couple thousand of the Living Waters Christmas Trivia tract that can be downloaded for free and printed on standard paper. The next year we got tracts from One Million Tracts. Since there are a lot of people coming to the parade year after year, we wanted to have something new for 2009. So, we designed this Christmas Trivia Tract. We handed out about 7,000 of them at the parade along with another 7,000 of the Naughty or Nice Santa tract.

The tract also went into the tract club in December 2009.

We found the tract to be popular with the parade goers as well as people who we witnessed to one on one at other occasions. The Trivia Questions promote curiosity and cause them to read the back. Plus at Christmas it is a great time to share the Gospel because you can simply tell people why we celebrate Christmas in the first place.

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