Story of the 2+2= tract

Each tract has a story behind it. In the case of the 2+2 tract, the purpose is to show people that logic applies, even to the After Life. Many people have their beliefs about all kinds of things. This, of course, carries over to the spiritual realm. But, when we ask the question, “what happens when a person dies” there must be one right answer. It does not make sense that just because one person believes on thing and another believes another thing that different things would happen to them. Try it in the physical world. If I say, “I don’t believe in trucks” and then stand in the middle of the road. When the truck comes it will run me over.

The idea of this tract is to show people that that simple logic also applies to the After Life. What happens to one must also happen to another. There must be one truth!

You can view the tract online.

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