Story of the Movie Preview Tract

The June mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club has a new tract for all the movie goers that you know. We’ve been praying about an idea for a tract to hand out at movie theaters for awhile now. We had toyed with the idea of making a tract that looked like a movie ticket. Then one day while at the movies with my wife, God gave me the idea for this tract to look like a movie preview on the front and to be a preview of judgment on the back! I don’t go to a lot of movies. But I did go to a movie a few weeks ago. I was handing these tracts out inside the theater to all of the employees and a number of the movie goers. In many cases, I’d just tell them “have you check out this preview” and hand them the tract.

There are a coupe of movie theaters nearby where the theater is on a public street. We plan to take these tracts there soon. We pray that you will be able to use the movie preview tract to reach the movie goers that you know with the Gospel!

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