The story of the I’m Sorry Linda tract

The I’m Sorry Linda tract uses and image from Reverend Fun on the front. This is our third tract to feature a cartoon from Reverend Fun (the other two are I’ll Get This One and Nothing is Certain). When we made the first two Reverend Fun tracts, we had looked through the archives and selected this comic to use for a third tract. However, it had taken some time in order to settle on the text for the back as well as find the right timing to release it in the tract club.

The tract leverages the idea of jeopardy where you are trying to answer a question – in this case – the BIG question – why should you get into Heaven? The message on the back is adapted from our popular Get Out of Hell Free tract.

Handing this tract out is both fun and easy. Sometimes I’ll simply ask people “do you like jeopardy” and hand them the tract. Or ask “do you know the answer to the big question?”

We pray that this tract will be fun to hand out, bring glory to God and lead many to repent and trust Jesus for salvation!

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