The story of the Biggest Gamble tract

About a year ago, a friend and member of the tract club, posted the draft of a tract on Facebook. He was asking for some feedback on it. I made a few comments. A few months later some others posted comments on the tract so it popped back up on my facebook timeline. When I saw it again it hit me that it would make a nice tract for the tract club. So I asked Chris for permission to print it and he agreed.

When the tract arrived we started handing them out around town. Since people like to gamble on things, it made a good discussion starter. We started having many discussions with people. Asking them if they like to gamble, how much they would bet and if they would bet with their soul.

We then sent some of the tracts to Scott, who posts to the As You Go BLOG, and he started using them around the casinos in Louisiana. He was having really good success sharing the Gospel with people there.

Since the tract went out in the tract club, I heard from another friend in Ohio that a casino is opening up near their favorite fishing hole. So we sent a box of Biggest Gamble tracts to Ohio to be distributed when the new casino opens.

We pray that the Biggest Gamble tract will lead many to understand that your soul is not to be gambled with. But that through repentance and faith in Jesus the soul can have eternal life!

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