Story of the Where will you be tract

I love to ask people questions when sharing the Gospel with them. One of my favorite questions is “where will you be 100 years from now?” This really gets people thinking about their own mortality and eternity. Most people will readily admit that 100 years from now they will be dead. So the obvious questions is what happens when you die.

At sporting events or around big events, it is fun to ask people “who do you think will win the game?” People love to give their opinion about that. And until the game is played, the answer can be debated endlessly. Once the discussion is started, I like to follow with “do you think anyone will care who won in 100 years?” Again, I get lot’s of opinions. Some say “yes of course.” Others say “no.” Then the follow-on question is “Where will you be in 100 years from now?”

Well, that is the background of this tract. The tract asks the question even if you are not able too. In experimenting with this tract, I’d just hand it to people and say “here is an interesting question to ponder.” They would take it and say thanks. Or you can have the conversation with someone first and then hand them the tract as a reminder.

We pray that the “Where will you be 100 years from now” tract will help you have one on one conversations and lead people to consider their eternal destiny. Above all we pray that the tract will glorify God and lead people to repent and trust in Christ alone for their salvation.

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