Story of the Get Out of Hell Free card tract

The Get out of Hell Free card tract has proven to be very popular. When I first started engaging people in spiritual conversations, I found that the Ticket to Heaven tract from Living Waters was very effective and easy to hand out. That tract really plays on the idea that many people have that everyone goes to heaven, or if you simply have your “ticket” then you get to go.

As our ministry grew, we were handing out more and more tracts. We bought a stamp and were stamping our website onto the back of all of the tracts that we handed out. As we handed out more and more tracts, labeling them became more and more work.

Around the same time we were looking at how we could print our own tracts. We like the concept of the ticket to heaven. So after much prayer, the idea of “get out of hell free” playing off of the Monopoly card came about.

These tracts are easy to hand out. You can simply ask someone “do you have your get out of hell free card” and they will take it. A lot of the time, people will ask for more to give to their friends.

While witnessing in Dallas one day last year, I was handing out tracts at the DART station. One man said he had seen me before and wondered if we had any more of the “get out of hell free tract.” I said that I did. He pulled out his wallet and he had the tract in there. He told me that he had shown it to some friends and they had asked for one. So I gave him a couple of them to give to his friends. He had read the tract, but had not received Christ. We discussed the meaning of it and had a nice conversation.

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