The story of the Good News / Bad News tract

In the beginning of 2009, I received an email from a man in Uganda asking for evangelism resources. We mailed him a couple of hundred “good person comic” tracts. He was thrilled to have them. He indicated a great need for many more tracts. Realizing that many (or more likely all) of our tracts have some kind of cultural tie, they probably would not go over too well in Uganda.

We bathed the project in prayer and were lead to develop a tract that was pure scripture front and back. Since the people that the man was witnessing too in Uganda could read some English, we selected the verses on this card. The initial printing was 5,000 tracts of which 4,000 of them were shipped to Uganda.

International mail to Uganda is very slow. It took several months for the tracts to arrive in Uganda. When they got there, there was another issue with picking them up at the post office. But eventually he had the tracts. Since then, these tracts have been handed out all over the United States and in other countries as well.

When I stated doing door to door ministry, I choose this tract to use to leave on people’s door if they were not home. The same cultural issues could apply even door to door since we don’t know who is there.

God’s Word will not return void, but will accomplish the task that God has for it.

An easy way to hand out the Good News / Bad News tract is to ask people “if you go to the doctor do you like to hear good news first or bad news” and then hand it to them with the appropriate side up based on their answer. If they say “good news” then I will usually add, “the good news will make a lot more sense after you read the bad news.”

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